Sunday, December 17, 2006

Cat Meets Bird (not quite)

This is Ansel, the Christmas cat. He's actually behaved pretty well, only removing two ornaments so far. Yesterday, Ansel had the chance to see a really cool bird, one much bigger than the ones he normally gets to watch. But he was sleeping upstairs and missed all the excitement.

Even though Ansel was asleep, one of my boys got to see the pheasant. I didn't realize it was outside, until Justin leapt up saying "what the heck is that?!?" He (the pheasant, not Justin) was about five feet away from the patio doors, using his head to dig into the mulch under the bushes.


Coy Hill said...

Does Grandma's declawing still have Ansel quieted down? That may explain only two ornaments! :-)

ASHE said...

We like to joke that Mom put Ansel through "behavior camp" because, for whatever reasons, he is a completely different cat after only spending about a month in her care! They must've bonded, because Mom asked if we were bringing him home for Christmas :)